Creativity (flexibility – innovation)
Corrugated packaging adapts easily to all shapes and sizes to give greater protection, insulation and rigidity. Today’s advanced printing techniques have even turned corrugated board into attractive shelf-ready packaging that works as an effective marketing tool.
Cool corrugated IceBoxFor people on the go, this IceBox is a perfect solution for keeping food and beverages cool. Corrugated board already is a good insulator and this…READ MORE
Brand positioning with corrugatedHere a great example of how corrugated can be used as a canvas for the branding of a product. The Scottish beer brand `Tennents` used…READ MORE
Fit for purpose book packagingThis design offers the possibility to combine a various amount of book sizes in one packaging as well as to optimally protect them during shipping.…READ MORE
Fresh fruit delivered at homeAs consumers increasingly shop on-line, retailers are coming up with ways to deliver fresh food quickly and efficiently so that the produce remains fresh without…READ MORE
Clever corrugated cake boxThis corrugated cake box is both an innovative and environmentally friendly way to package cakes for ease of use for consumers and retailers. The ergonomic…READ MORE
Corrugated packaging for healthy food bottled in jarsFruits & vegetables bottled in jars, with no preservative substances, are part of the `healthy food` trend. With this corrugated packaging four jars are nicely…READ MORE
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